Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Super Quirky Singer - Zarif!

As I was checking out the newest up and coming artists on myspace I spotted - super quirk, fashionable, on trend - soul/funk/pop singer....... Zarif:  http://www.myspace.com/zarifmusic
I especially like "Let me back" - the way the song changes from slow soothing soul music..... to quick rythmed pop/dance music...... and back etc!
Let me not forget to mention Zarif's amazing sense of style - she is pictured above wearing an incredible jean vintage print jacket on top a of a navy jersey tank top, with a red lace undertop and black patterned tights. 



  1. heeeey,
    thanks for taking time to leave a comment on my blog. and i agree fringing is gonna be hugeee!
    would you like to swap links?


  2. sure ....... id really like that x


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